Mardavij building, Resalat St., Mardavij St. , Isfahan, Iran

Skin RF


Table of contents

آر اف پوست روشی کم‌هزینه، بدون درد و با اثری مشهود و فوق‌العاده است. در این روش امواج رادیویی به لایه‌ی میانی پوست نفوذ می‌کند و با تحریک کلاژن‌‌سازی اثراث ضدپیری و احیای پوست را به‌همراه دارد. این روش علاوه‌بر کاهش چین‌وچروک به از بین بردن لک‎‌های پوستی و جای زخم نیز کمک بسیار می‌کند.

Skin RF applications

  • Reduce skin wrinkles
  • Tightening of facial skin
  • Reduction of skin blemishes
  • Lighten the skin
  • Scar reduction
  • Close pores
  • Diminish the cracks of the body

How does RF work?

Using the RF device, waves called radio frequency waves are sent to a layer of the skin called the dermis layer and it turns into heat. This heat helps to stimulate and increase the production of collagen in this layer, which is responsible for the strength and beauty of the skin. Collagen production also helps to rejuvenate and tighten your skin.

با انجام چند جلسه نتیجه می‌گیرم؟

تعداد جلسات آر اف پوست مانند بسیاری از خدمات زیبایی و مراقبتی کاملاً به نیاز شما به دریافت آن خدمت بستگی دارد. اگر بنا بر اسکن پوست و تشخیص پزشک پوست شما زیاد آسیب‌ دیده باشد (تیرگی یا چروک زیادی داشته باشد) تعداد جلسات پیشنهادی از 10 تا 15 جلسه متغیر است و اگر مشکل پوستی چندانی نداشته باشید با 5 تا 10 جلسه هم می‌توانید تأثیرات این کار را روی پوستتان حس کنید. حس خوبی که پوست شما خواهد داشت پس از یک جلسه هم محسوس است اما نتیجه‌ی واقعی آن معمولاً بعد از سه جلسه مشخص می‌شود.

our suggestion

At Dr. Mina Rezaei’s slimming and beauty office, we suggest combining the RF service with other services such as skin facials so that the result can be determined twice as fast.

What points should I pay attention to before and after the treatment?

  • Do not go to the solarium or tan your face two weeks before going for RF treatment.
  • It is better not to be exposed to direct sunlight for two weeks before doing RF.
  • It is better to avoid taking blood thinners such as aspirin, Gelofen and Novafen after RF.
  • Before the treatment, enter all the services you have received on your skin (such as Botox or blepharoplasty) in the relevant forms and inform the doctor or operator.
  • Before the treatment, wash off the makeup and any cream from your face.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids and using sunscreen continuously after RF treatment is obligatory.
  • If your face is swollen, you can use zinc ointment after consulting your doctor.
  • Do not wash your face with hot water or strong detergents for three days.
  • There is nothing wrong with using moisturizing creams after the treatment

Side effects of Skin RF

Obviously, if the RF procedure is not done correctly, you may experience complications. Although the side effects are temporary, it is better to consider them and choose your desired clinic with sensitivity. These complications are as follows:

  • Skin burns
  • Temporary swelling
  • Creating red spots on the skin
  • Skin itching
  • Skin depression
  • Skin rash
  • Flaking
  • Skin sensitivity to touch
  • Hyperpigmentation (dark skin spots)
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Who should do RF and who should not?

If your age is between 30 and 55 years, using RF is not only not a problem for you, but also necessary. Because at this age, the number of facial wrinkles can be controlled and can be prevented from getting deeper and more. In addition, this method helps delay skin aging and increase the health of your skin.

But people who must consult a doctor before doing this:

  • pregnant women
  • Mothers during breastfeeding
  • People with previous illness
  • People with autoimmune disease
  • People with high blood pressure
  • People with diabetes
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